In eerste instantie ontworpen voor gebruik met kleine tot middelgrote multirotor ambacht, is het uitgegroeid tot de go-to controller. Initially designed for use with small to mid-sized multirotor craft, it has become the go-to controller for a host of Multirotor projects . Geweldig nieuws! U bent op de juiste plaats voor nazerev5. Inmiddels weet u dat al, wat u ook zoekt, u zult het zeker vinden op AliExpress. Saw some posts about the newer versions of Cleanflight having some issues.
Buy the best and latest nazerevon banggood. Weird thing, the naze just stoped during my flight at 1:Somebody knows why ? NOTE This hardware is provided as-is and end-user is expected to have reasonable technical . Is there any restriction for using GPS on this particular FC ? SmartieParts SP Basic Programer Controller Firmware: . Custom made for us by Blackbird FPV,. Sold transactions in last months. Average Star Rating:.
Color: RevAcro . Anders moet ik weer zo lang wachten :P. I have a NAZERev with an AR610. Free delivery for . NazeRevCase- Acrylic armor. Designed for use with small indoor or small to mid-sized outdoor multirotor crafts, or as a standalone camera stabilizer. Browse these categories as . The thing is, it does not turn on when i plug it in.

Be the first to review this product. I am using only one wire from the . I put the right pins on the naze, flash the firmware to the last version of Cleanflight, I can see . This is the Acro version, which has only a gyro and an accelerometer. Afroflight NAZEREVAcro Funfly Controller – Sold – Horizontal Version (Pin): Amazon.
RC breakout cable. Modern 32-bit processor running at 3. This is a box for nazemulticopter flight controller ( rev). Just print and remove supports. Ad to Support Thingiverse.

AFROFLIGHT NAZEREVAcro FunFly Controller - £23. Not compatible with headers installed on the flight. RESTAURANT-ATELIER-85.
Get specifications, reviews, features, best . Fully pin compatible with Rev boards for accesories such as OSD. Integrated SBUS inverter, now you can connect your FRsky SBUS receivers directly with no. Probably the best deal for a NAZERevDeluxe DOF Flight Control for Multicopter USD 20.
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